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The night is qu et and the stars are shinning.
D ep in my th ughts and questions I stroll down the second line,
Picking at the _ruits of the ink bushes.
Coming to the sixth, i reach into the thicket and pull out a pe fect 'f'.
And how lucky i am to find also an 'r'.
Scattered on the wide path of eight to twelve are premat re fallings,
That of which i also take.
N t to mention the ripe produce of the thick ink bush on the right.
But this isn't enough yet
I pick up the full-stop on the above line and throw it at the title.
An 'i' drops outs of which i carefully place in my basket,
Careful that the dot does not detach itself from the body.
And in the distance i perceive a much necessitated 'y'.
I stumble upon the pebble i threw.
Now at the bottom of the page,
With a basket of my pickings.
I la_ out my heart...
i forgive you
if i'm not your prince,
i'll find him for you.
if i don't have your heart,
tell me where to put it,
tell me what to do.
as long as you're happy,
i'll be just as happy too.
with no wars...
there would be peace between all nations.
but with no wars there would be no catalyst to our evolution.
no stimulation to our economies of money and technology.
nothing to develop our skills nor push us to our limits.
no reason with which to arm and protect ourselves.
ironically, with no wars, we may possibly be non existent.
with no poverty...
there would only be greed.
with no poverty there would be no fear for the gluttonous.
no punishment for the wrong we do.
no reason for us to continue labouring.
no value to the currencies of trade.
and with no currencies, no trade.
and no trade, no resources.
with wide-spread education...
everyone would be intelligent.
but if everyone were to be so smart, there would be no masses.
with no masses there would be no one to do the dirty work.
no one to make the world turn.
only people to think it, design it, evaluate it.
and that's about it.
with no dictators and leaders...
we would have no direction.
anarchy would ensue.
for there would be no one to judge us.
no one to teach us the rules.
no one to lay down the law.
we would all be dictators.
and we would all be in conflict.
with no disease...
we would all be healthy.
but we would all be fragile.
we would not be resilient.
we would not understand the feeling of pain.
and thus, we could not be living.
with no god...
we would be helpless.
for we all are just humble creatures.
requiring food, shelter, a fuck - or a few.
and a spiritual place to hide in when the times grow dark.
a personal recognition and security blanket for everything we do.
and reason and justification for the things we do.
without multiple gods...
there would be no dispute between beliefs.
but with no dispute and no war...
this is a green rabbit.
i've started to notice my small black and white drawings,
grow into large and colour pictures.
i'm not too sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
but then again, colour in anything is never a bad thing!
i've also come to appreciate children's drawings.
they're simple, and effectively express what the child intends to express.
no confusion,
no unnecessary details.
we, whilst growing,
quickly lose sight of the important things in life.
we, whilst desperately seeking recognition,
lose ourselves to triviality.
i was woken up one morning,
by the buzz of my mobile phone.
a message i read whilst yawning,
a message from my dearest love.
it read that she loved me lots,
and she wrote to express one wish.
that i'd have a lovely day,
and that i looked much like a fish!
why do we put up Christmas lights?
they serve as runway lights, so when Santa comes to town he knows just where to land. today i put up Christmas lights. an arduous task indeed. climbing ladders 4 meters high and slanted on the driveway.
but whilst busy hanging, and climbing very high, i came to realise of what other purpose Christmas lights serve.
that is,
to light up the hearts of passer-bys.
by simply putting up Christmas lights we are able to bring joy to at least a few. and i guess, that's what Christmas is all about.
if Santa ever reads this blog, i'd just like to let him know.
that whether naughty or nice,
i'd prefer if he gave my share of presents to those who could really use them.
this is a baby chic and a kitten. however, not many are certain as to whether the kitten is really a miniature lion. either way it's a cat. of some sort.
anyways, they live in a barnyard on a farm.a farm where many things go missing.
and they live, under the guise of...
The Barnyard Detectives!
tonight's case... the stolen cookies from the cookie jar!
that might be their only case. an unsolved one at that.
they're very tedious to draw.